Service Description Price
Personal Training Session The best method to control your weight, boost your energy, reduce your risk of diseases and improve your mood. Our personal training is customised to suit your individual needs and fitness level. $60
Nutrition & Motivation Session Designed to improve your health and mental state. This is a one-on-one session to educate you on the right food choices for you and ensure you are achieving your goals. $60
Pilates Class Great for improving your posture. Pilates is a unique method of body control and conditioning with a strong emphasis on strengthening and stabilising the core muscles and spine. $20pp
Cardio Class Good for increasing your endurance and overall health. The ultimate way to give your body a high energy workout, burning fat and challenging your heart rate to stay elevated for a period of time. $20pp
Arms, Bellies, Bums & Thighs (ABB&T) Class The perfect workout to improve those challenging areas; the arms, bellies, bums and thighs. This class will target and tighten these areas. $20pp
Core Class Great for all round strength. Your strength in most movements comes from your core. Core class will strengthen your stomach and back muscles. $20pp

Get two or more friends, family members or work colleagues to join you and we will run class especially for you all in the comfort of your own home. Just click here and contact us to arrange an appointment